Sponsorship Opportunities

The Women’s Health Dietetic Practice Group (WH DPG) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is a professional organization representing dietetic professionals working in health, nutrition, and policy issues that are unique to women including preconception, prenatal, postpartum, lactation, and menopause.

WH DPG sets the standard for excellence in women’s nutrition across the lifespan. WH DPG sponsors help us provide our members with the most current information and research on women’s nutrition. Our sponsorship platform offers exciting opportunities for industry sponsorship with our influential organization.

Opportunities include:

  • Branded E-Blasts and monthly E-News
  • Website company logo placement
  • Webinars with a focus on food, nutrition, and research that provide opportunities to put your product to work
  • Branded advertisement in our twice-yearly member newsletter, the Women’s Health Report, as well as our monthly E-News, to expand your message
  • Virtual opportunities to meet with WH leadership

There are many ways you can support WH DPG's activities while providing your company with a tremendous opportunity to increase its visibility and gain access to over 1,200 Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) and Nutrition Dietetic Technicians, Registered (NDTRs) who specialize in women’s health and nutrition, as well as exposure to an additional 75,000 Academy members and other medical professionals and the public. The sponsorship opportunities are designed to give your company maximum exposure through electronic media and educational programs, as well as the opportunity to network with our members at professional events. As you review the sponsorship options, you will see that you can customize your sponsorship to support your company's marketing objectives. Below are the current sponsorship opportunities. 

Sponsorship Opportunities